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Third Law Sourcing, a strategic sourcing and procurement consulting company, was recognized by Inc. magazine on its 30th annual list of America’s fastest-growing private companies. Third Law Sourcing’s revenues grew by 963 percent between 2007 and 2010. The company placed #10 in Atlanta and #24 in its industry category.
“The economic downturn has led to an increase in companies' appetite for risk-free, non-personnel related cost savings initiatives,” said Scott Drobes, managing partner for Third Law Sourcing. “Additionally, the impending upturn has spurned an increase in M&A activity, which creates additional opportunity for our services as companies look to capitalize on the synergies of increased scale.”
The Inc. 500 represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy—America’s independent entrepreneurs. Companies such as Microsoft, Zappos, Intuit, Jamba Juice, Zipcar, Clif Bar, Vizio, Oracle, and many other well-known names gained early exposure as members of the Inc. 500.
The 2011 Inc. 500, unveiled in the September issue of Inc., is a group of companies that are smaller but much faster-growing than last year’s crop. Aggregate revenue is $10.5 billion, with a median three-year growth of 1,275 percent. The companies on this year's list employ more than 46,000 people and generated over 35,000 jobs in the past three years. Complete results of the Inc. 500, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found on Inc.com/500.