Our Expertise

Beyond Benchmarking

From common spend categories to specialized expenses, our vendor intelligence extends far beyond simple price benchmarking.

An optimal negotiation strategy requires knowing more than just the benchmarks for the products and services that are unique to particular vendors and spend categories. Our team takes into consideration the pricing models that are unique to each type of supplier.

Spend Category Versus Supplier Category

There is margin in the mystery of bundled pricing; we establish pricing transparency into the underlying services.

Negotiating with a reseller? We understand the relationship between your supplier and the manufacturer. We know what the optimal mark-up should look like based on the specific value chain and your purchasing volumes.

Renegotiating a Business Process Outsourcing deal? There is margin in the mystery of bundled pricing; we establish pricing transparency into the underlying services.

There are very different considerations when negotiating with a manufacturer, a service provider, a reseller, a BPO firm, or a company that provides 3rd party labor. Each supplier type requires a different approach, in conjunction with objective benchmarks and domain expertise.

Domain Expertise

To understand the pricing practices of your suppliers one must understand their costs and the discrete pricing elements of their solutions.

From common categories to specialized expenses, our domain expertise includes telecommunications, IT, BPO, shipping and fulfillment, back office, marketing, printing, professional services, insurance, and commodities.

Learn more about our Sourcing Categories

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